Jobs Indonesia

Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Careers GEODETIC Onshore & Offshore


Get your drema careers today!

Onshore & Offshore Survey Services Company

Onshore & Offshore Survey Services Company is looking for:



  1. Bachelor Degree (S1) in Geodetic Engineering
  2. Minimum 1-8 years of experience
  3. Fluent in English both oral and written
  4. Experienced in oil exploration

Please send your application + photograph by clicking "Quick Apply" or "Non-member Apply" .

Non Member can send the application via email by clicking "Non-member Apply".

It is a fact that the person who does not make an effort to perform at work is not the kind of person who will make an effort to perform when it comes to their own dreams, if they have any dreams to start with.”

, so dont waste this time to get good employment ( job ). Other fields such as in banking need this job position.




Are you the one who we are looking for

Get your dream careers today

ASIAFONE is a local brand of cellular phone which is going to bring a mass of competition.

We are currently looking for new employee as below :



Requirements :
  • Male max 30 years old
  • Single
  • D3 or S1 any Major
  • Minimum 1 year working experience in Administration and Warehouse
  • Must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel & Power Point)
  • Good communication and interpersonal skill
  • Mature, Hard worker, Strong, Dynamic, Discipline & Honest
  • Able to maintain performance under pressure
  • Fluent in English oral and written

If you meet above requirements, please send your comprehensively CV, photo, to :
Komp. Perkantoran Ruko Roxy Mas
Blok B1 / 21 - 22
Jl. KH. Hasyim Ashari 125
Jakarta Pusat 10150
Or send to :
Please see our company website at

If you think you'll lose you're lost;
For out of the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind. 

, so dont waste this time to get good employment ( job ). Other fields such as in banking need this job position.

Penyusunan Resolusi Untuk Tahun 2011, Meningkatkan Semangat Berkarya

Author: AYM 

Kenapa harus ada resolusi ? Anda mungkin tidak menyadari betapa pentingnya resolusi. Resolusi ada baiknya jikalau dirangkaikan dan dikemas sedemikian rupa agar tercapai sesuai yang diinginkan. Seorang yang sudah harus mempunyai rencana matang untuk ke depannya, dan tentunya memiliki keinginan pula.
Ucapan selamat tahun baru rasanya tidak lengkap tanpa adanya sebuah resolusi awal tahun. Tentu ada resolusi yang ingin Anda sempurnakan dari tahun 2010 yang belum sempat Anda raih dengan sempurna.
Kehidupan Anda dalam pekerjaan akan lebih bersemangat dengan adanya New Year resolutions. Apabila Anda ingin menjadi seseorang yang selalu terdepan dan mendapatkan kesuksesan, maka Anda sudah harus mempersiapkannya sedini mungkin. Jangan sampai Anda mengulangi kesalahan – kesalahan yang pernah Anda lakukan pada tahun 2010. Renungkan sejenak, mengapa Anda bisa mengalami beberapa kegagalan pada tahun 2010? Lebih telitilah dalam menyusun apa pun untuk kesuksesan Anda. Inti dari resolusi adalah untuk menjadikan ke depannya lebih baik lagi.
Mendapatkan karir Impian. Karir impian setiap orang sudah pasti berbeda. Karir impian itu dapat dinilai dari berbagai aspek. Misalnya karir impian dengan penghasilan atau gaji nya yang lebih dari 5 juta rupiah, karir yang diinginkan sesuai dengan pekerjaan yang didapatkan, jarak kantor yang tidak jauh dari rumah, lingkungan kerja yang nyaman, dan masih banyak aspek lainnya. Tetapkan tujuan kemana arah karir yang ingin capai.
Jangan paksa diri Anda. Buatlah daftar rencana kerja dimulai dari yang paling ingin Anda kerjakan. Jangan paksa diri Anda untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang tidak ingin Anda lakukan, karena hal ini hanya akan menjadi penghambat.
Naik Jabatan. Apabila Anda sudah bekerja dalam jangka waktu tertentu tentunya kenaikan jabatan sangat Anda dinantikan. Anda yang bekerja demi meniti Career tentunya sangat menginginkan hal yang satu ini cepat tercapai. Akan tetapi, alangkah nikmatnya apabila Anda bekerja lebih maksimal lagi tanpa terlalu berharap dinaikkan jabatan Anda. Karena akan terasa lebih puas apabila proses yang Anda jalani menuju kesuksesan tanpa pamrih. Perusahaan tempat Anda bekerja pun akan melihat loyalitas Anda terhadap tugas kerja, maka sudah pasti akan ada nilai lebih bagi perusahaan. Perusahaan tentunya akan memberikan reward kepada karyawan yang lebih berprestasi, loyalitas total terhadap pekerjaan, loyalitas terhadap perusahaan, dan hal-hal lainnya.
Miliki keseimbangan antara kehidupan pribadi dan karir. Tidak ada manusia yang mampu hidup tanpa keseimbangan. Secara lahiriah Anda terlihat segar bugar namun belum tentu dengan batin Anda. Istirahatkan sejenak mental Anda dengan kegiatan atau hobi yang sering terlewatkan, pererat persahabatan dengan kawan-kawan lama dan sebagainya.
Bersyukur Kesuksesan Job Anda adalah campur tangan Tuhan. Bersyukur dengan apa yang telah Anda raih saat ini. Terkadang kita melewatkan ibadah dikarenakan kepadatan aktivitas sehari-hari.
Rangkaikanlah resolusi terbaik Anda agar tercapai pada tahun 2011. Tidak akan membuktikan apa pun jika semua yang Anda buat hanya menjadi sebuah catatan tanpa aksi.

Benarkah Justin Timberlake Cium Mesra Amanda Seyfried ??


Rupanya Justin Timberlake masih menjalin cinta dengan Jessica Biel. Ternyata malah berani mencium mesra aktris cantik Amanda Seyfried.

Oh, ternyata cium mesra itu tidak mengganggu hubungan cinta antara mantan personel N'Sync itu dengan Biel. Dikarenakan, ciuman itu dilakukan untuk keperluan film terbaru yang diperankan Timberlake dan Seyfried.

Keduanya sedang terlibat pembuatan film futuristik berjudul 'Now'. Film ini sedang dalam proses syuting. Syuting film ini sendiri dilakukan di pusat kota Los Angeles. Sedangkan keduanya melakukan adegan mesra itu pada Rabu lalu. Demikian seperti dikutip dari Celebuzz, Jumat 17 Desember 2010.

Gara-gara syuting film ini, pria yang akrab disapa JT ini sempat mengalami cedera pada otot betisnya. Ia cedera saat melakukan adegan berkelahi. Akibatnya, ia sempat beristirahat dari syuting film tersebut.

Meskipun tidak banyak informasi soal film ini, tetapi situs IMDB mengatakan film ini menceritakan tentang ketika orang berhenti menua dan menggambarkan bagaimana kerasnya orang untuk hidup dengan harus membayar agar tetap bertahan hidup.

Selain JT dan Seyfried, film ini juga didukung aktris Olivia Wilde, Alex Pettyfer dan Cillian Murphy. (pet)

 Justin Timberlake & Amanda Seyfried

* PS: Do you live and wanna have a Career  in Indonesia? Please click: Indonesia Vacancy

Senin, 20 Desember 2010



Are YOU smarter?
Lets share you knowledge with us!
Prepare your self to get your dreams careers!

Niro Ceramic Sales Indonesia (NCSI) is a foreign owned company (PMA), 

Customer Service Officer (Surabaya / Medan) 


For Medan & Surabaya
Position Available: 2 Positions
  • Female, Single, max. 27 years old
  • Fresh graduated from Diploma / bachelor degree with GPA min. 3.00 but preferably have working experience  min. 1 year as administrator
  • Excellent in English both oral and written
  • Excellent computer literacy (Ms. Office & E-mail)
  • Able to work under preassure
  • Details, accurate, and hard worker
  • Willingness to be located on Medan and Surabaya

Should you dare to challenge and meet the requirements above, kindly send your complete resume to:
Visit our website:

Many fields of job ou there, so dont waste this time to get good employment ( job ). Other fields such as in banking need this job position.

a Little Dizzy After Got Fired From Your Job

Author: Denene Brox

"The experience of being fired from a Job is high on the list of stressful life events that can happen to anyone over the course of their Employment," says Dr. Melodie Schaefer, executive director of The Chicago School, Southern California Counseling Centers.
So how do you manage the stress of being fired and get on the road to your next Job? Here are some steps.

Don't burn bridges
Although you're not leaving the company under the best circumstances, how you leave can affect your success down the line.

"It can be awkward for colleagues to say good-bye to a fired Employee, so don't bother going from cubicle to cubicle to announce your departure," advises Jeffery Cohen, the author of "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Recession-Proof Career." "Simply call your closest friends at Work that evening to explain the news. They'll understand your desire to be discreet, given the circumstances."
After being fired, it's not uncommon to feel anger toward the company and certain employees.
"Never bad mouth a former Employee or employer online, offline, or via social media," warns Cohen. "You never know when you'll need a reference. That small sense of satisfaction from dissing a former company will ultimately be outweighed if it costs you a future job."
Manage your emotions
While you may feel that your future is uncertain, it's important to realize that getting fired is not the end of your Career.
But keeping your emotions in check can be hard, which is why Schaefer recommends good self-care--for instance, by exercising and journaling to relieve stress after being fired.
One aspect of getting fired that can weigh heavily on your mind is how to relay the bad news to your friends and family, for fear of their reactions and judgments. Schaefer says that remaining forward-thinking is vital when talking about your termination.
"Say, 'I'd rather not have to dwell on the past and would really appreciate your input in helping me think about my next steps, now that I have a chance to consider making a change,'" she advises.
Pick your battles
While it's common to feel anger toward your former employer, taking legal action is viable only in certain cases.
Paul Lopez, an employment attorney with the firm Tripp Scott, says that he regularly receives calls from people seeking legal advice after being fired.
"A lot of people are fired simply because they didn't get along with their boss, and you can't sue a company because your boss was a jerk," says Lopez.
However, there are circumstances that warrant legal action--such civil-rights violations.
"No one can be fired because of their sex, race, age, disability, or national origin," says Lopez. "If there's a manager who has a prejudice against someone in those protected classes and fires them--that's actionable."
Dennis Nason, CEO of Nason & Nason, an executive recruitment firm, adds, "If you're thinking about suing your previous employer, unless you have a very strong case, it's not going to get you anywhere. My advice is to move on."
Start over
Once you've allowed some time to mend emotionally and have gotten over the anger of being fired, it's time to set sail on a new course.
"Make a bad time a good opportunity," says Nason. "Ask yourself if you were in the right position, or if you need to rethink your career."
Career coach Ann Mehl suggests finding a coach or a friend to help you outline your past achievements and re-brand yourself in the job market.
"Stress what you learned from the past experience and frame your answers so that you let interviewers know that you see this new opportunity as a means to achieving your ultimate career objectives," says Mehl.
When you go in for interviews, have a good grasp on the facts about why you were fired, advises Nason. When asked why you left your last job, your answer should be true, concise, and as positive as possible.
"Don't lead your resume, cover letter, or interviews with bad news," says Nason. "They'll get around to asking why you left your last Job. Tell the truth in a brief 10 to 20 seconds."
The key in interviews to explaining why you got fired is to make it not about you, says Cohen. "Anything from 'the new boss wanted to bring in his own team' to 'the entire department was downsized' is better than admitting you lost your Job due to your own performance."
(Get more tips on handling the toughest interview questions.)
Remember that getting fired is never as horrible as it seems at first, especially if you use the time to pursue a chapter in your Career.

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Job - Putera Sampoerna Foundation Really Needed You as Design Staff


Do you already know about Putera Sampoerna Foundation? How much do you know about Putera Sampoerna Foundation? The Putera Sampoerna Foundation (PSF) is the social enterprise arm of the Sampoerna Group dedicated to improving education in Indonesia for the creation of young leaders. By supporting and supplementing government education programs and initiatives, the Foundation focuses its resources towards providing for the development of future leaders with moral integrity and a strong commitment to social justice. The position that offers for you is: Design Staff

Position Purpose :
Design staff is responsible for creating visual designs and materials required by the Culture Development Unit as requested by the manager or the program officers.
The Requirements For This Career :
  • Bachelor or diploma degree in visual design, computer-design, or bachelor of arts from top university in Indonesia
  • Ability to work fast, adopt and adapt changes quickly
  • Ability to manage time and work when handling multiple requests
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Resourceful, creative and has good understanding of design aspects
  • Has great inter-personal skills.
  • Strong work ethics

You think that you are fulfill for all the criteria of this Indonesia Vacancy ? If you are sure, so why you took so long for apply this Job ? You can apply to:

Job Indonesia - HRS Really Needed Staff Geologist, Wanna Apply This Position as Your Career ?


Are you the one looking for a Career as Staff Geologist? I have the info for that Indonesia Vacancy. HRS (Human Resources Solutions) have Client is a company engaged in coal mines, require employees who are responsible and high initiative in the City Build (East Kalimantan). The position that HRS offered is:

Staff Geologist

The Requirements are:

  1. Minimum S1 graduate, majoring in Geology Mining
  2. Willing to work and live in the Bangun City, East Kalimantan (Job Indonesia)
  3. Can and smoothly using the computer (MS. Word and Excel)
  4. Have excellent analytical skills
  5. Having a good initiative, thorough and can communicate well  

Wow.. Wow.. Hold on guys, be patience. I will tell you how to apply this Job. It's easy, Guys.. You may apply your complete CV, but please don't more than 100kb. If you are sure your CV is below 100kb, so you may apply to: or  

Careers oppurtunities



Find your dreams careers and be winner try this guys.
Building Material Industry Company requires immediate manpower for the position employment ( job ):


     * Female, max 35 years
     * S1 in Accounting Education
     * Having knowledge in taxation (VAT & Income Tax)
     * Able to operate MS Word & Excel
     * Mastering MYOB system (is a valu added)
     * Thorough and responsible
     * Work hard and can work under pressure
     * To be placed on MAKASSAR
     * Preferenced who live in Napier and surrounding areas

Please send CV, Diploma and Pass your latest photos via email to:

The longer you take to deal with your problems the bigger they will grow and the harder it will be to sort them out.

Accounting cant be find in Other fields such as in banking need this job position.

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

Careers Fears Should Conquered !

By: Susan Johnston

For most people, Halloween conjures scary images of witches, goblins, and ghosts. But for many workers, there are other fears lurking in the shadows all year: like the fear of being reprimanded, laid off, or stuck in a dead-end Job. According to Ford R. Myers, president of Career Potential, LLC, and the author of "Get the Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring," "the American workplace is largely driven by fear. Most bosses use fear as a mechanism to control and drive the employee's activity." - Job

Fear #1: What if I get laid off?
Given the unemployment rate, layoffs are a chillingly real possibility for many workers. However, you can cope with that fear by actively building your network. "Regardless of whether you believe you'll be laid off, you should proactively engage in your professional community," says Michael Woodward, PhD, an executive coach and the author of the "The You Plan." "Belong to your professional association or community organizations. ... The difference between those who stay unemployed and those who are quickly able to get back on their feet is that the latter have strong networks."
Fear #2: If I don't get laid off, but others do, will I be able to handle the added responsibilities?
When companies downsize, often the best employees get "rewarded" with more work. This can cause job-performance anxiety, especially if the new tasks are outside your skill set or if you're afraid of adding another project to your to-do list. In this situation, Woodward suggests reaching out to your boss and coworkers for guidance. "Knowledge helps create certainty," he says. "You could wallow in that stress or you could say, 'I need some clarification on a couple of points.' It's an opportunity to broaden your skill set and to make yourself more valuable in the future."
Fear #3: Will I be underemployed forever?
Often younger workers end up in support roles where they may not feel challenged. More-experienced workers can also wind up in this predicament due to a layoff or workforce re-entry. However, thinking ahead to your next position keeps things in perspective when it feels like you're endlessly folding t-shirts or fetching coffee. "The smart person does not just ... do what the boss tells them and nothing more," says Myers. "They should consistently grow their credentials. Step up for the juicier, more challenging assignments. Show up earlier; leave later." Remember, the old model of your boss or human resources managing your career is no longer applicable. It's up to you to determine your next steps.
Fear #4: What if my boss yells at me again?
A boss who yells or criticizes you in front of others can really damage morale, so Myers advises that people be "very, very careful about the culture that they choose." Another thing, he says, "is to be very proactive and clear with your boss when you first get hired about how you establish the relationship and set the right precedent." If you're already in a job with a toxic boss, you can sometimes manage a situation (and prevent future problems) by discussing it in a calm, nonthreatening manner. "Don't bring it up in public and don't point fingers," Myers advises. "Say to your boss, I have a concern about something that happened. I'm not sure what your motivation was. I may have misunderstood, but this was my perception; I'd like to get your take on it."
Boston-based freelance writer Susan Johnston has covered Career and business topics for The Boston Globe, Hispanic Executive Quarterly,, and other publications.

Careers Creative event


Are you creative and atractive try this Mr/Mrs
and be parts of us and developing your  dreams carees

Creative Event 



  •        Male / Female maximum 28 years
  •        Graduates D3/S1
  •        Mastering English
  •        Familiar with computers and internet
  •        Creative and able to work in team
  •        Able to create  presentations   
  •        Having an extensive network

Job Desk:

  •        Have experience of organizing   
  •        Willing to perform activities outside the city



  1.        CV, Pas Photo, Phone number (other documents catch up)   
  2.        Write the desired position on the Email Subject
  3.        Application wait until the end of January 2011 and
       Send  to, or
       Only the appropriate criteria will be processed

Dreamers, who are achievers, have the win/win mentality. Not only do they know that they are capable of and will succeed, but they realise that their success does not depend on other people’s failure. To the contrary, their success depends on other people’s success.

Management trainee is latest careers in a coroerate organisazion, so dont waste this time to get good employment ( job ). Other fields such as in banking need this job position.

Re New Your Work In 2011

Sometimes, a job even a pretty good one--can start to feel like it's "going nowhere." But although you may want to advance your career, you may not be in a position to look for a New Job. Maybe you're in an industry where staffing is still tight. Or maybe you just started a new job, and you'd like to put in a few years before moving on. Or maybe you can't take a financial risk right now.
Whatever the case, there are small changes you can make that will boost your Career without giving it a major overhaul. We asked several experts for their tips:
1. Improve relations with your boss.
Your direct supervisor is one of the most important people in your professional life. If that relationship is feeling strained, get back into your boss's good graces by figuring out how to best communicate with him or her, suggests Katherine Reynolds Lewis, a workplace journalist for and the Fiscal Times. "So often, managers have so little time to do the management, so you have to manage up," she says. Ask your supervisor if you can schedule a weekly check-in meeting. Or if your manager is more spontaneous, strike up a conversation and subtly mention your latest accomplishments. "Don't assume that your boss knows when you've done a great Job," urges Lewis.
2. Beat procrastination or lateness.
If you struggle with tardiness or procrastination, then Fearless Career coach Victoria Ashford suggests owning up to the weakness and enlisting coworkers to help you stay accountable. "The biggest hindrance is not having a good support system," she explains. "Tell people, 'This is a problem for me,' and get them to share their techniques." Understanding the consequences can also help. "If you're not there on time, the door gets closed for a meeting," says Ashford, "and the embarrassment of you peeking through the glass reinforces the need to be on time." - Job Vacancy

5 New Year's Career Resolutions for 2011 !

By: Lydia Dishman

There's just something about opening a calendar for a new year that inspires us to improve our lives. So it's no surprise that New Year's career resolutions often focus on big goals--such as a promotion or a new Job.
And that's why many resolutions get tossed aside by the second week in January, according to Tracy Brisson, founder and CEO of The Opportunities Project. "We get overwhelmed when we realize that outcomes are not always in our control," she explains. But Brisson says that there are plenty of attainable goals--such as adding people to your network or committing to read one business-related book per month--that can add up to Career success.

Sara Sutton Fell, CEO of, recommends a mix of easy-to-achieve and lofty goals. She says, "The important part is to choose goals that are directly related to making you more successful in your job."
Here are some other suggestions from the experts:

Hone your elevator pitch.
For Jasmin French, principal of the personal branding firm J. French, it starts with honing your personal brand. French advises doing a simple inventory, "What did you do in 2010 that has transferable value to your employer or potential employer in 2011?" Then, she says, turn that into a succinct (60 seconds or less) pitch on what you are uniquely positioned to do better than anyone else.
French also suggests that you get people to start talking about you by updating your LinkedIn profile with any certifications you've earned or classes you're taking, as well as forwarding relevant articles. "Create your own buzz. It's self-promotion, but it's not shameless."

Brush up on hard skills.
Victoria Ashford, a leadership and career coach at Fearless Leading, suggests heading back to school for additional education, certification, diplomas, or language skills. "Once you have the knowledge and skill, it's yours forever--hard to take away," she notes. "Industries and work environments change, so make sure you're keeping up. Be intentional about your knowledge base and upgrade or update it now."

Solidify your soft skills.
While you're admiring that new diploma hanging on the wall, Ashford cautions that you shouldn't forget about "soft" skills, such as business etiquette, body language, and personal accountability. "Master the arts of introductions, conversation, and establishing professional presence. Ask others to judge your handshake, table manners, and posture," she advises.
A University of Illinois study concluded that 55 percent of the first impression you make is based on your appearance and your body language. And while first impressions are made within the first 30 seconds of meeting someone, it can take up to as many as 21 interactions to undo a bad first impression. French says, "If you want to be known for being detail-oriented, hem your pants, polish your fingernails, or iron that shirt."

Work better with others.
Susan Bender Phelps, a trainer and speaker with Odyssey Mentoring, urges employees to treat everyone they work with as if they are a customer. "Everyone includes your company's management team, your direct supervisor, even your cubicle-mate. Provide knock-your-socks-off service."
Bender Phelps says that one place to start is by sharing credit with your team and with everyone in the organization who contributed to a success. "When you do this consistently, you become the kind of leader people will want to follow, regardless of your title." Likewise, acknowledge people when they do great work, and be specific: "Give evidence that demonstrates you understand their work and the difference it made to the organization."
Approach failure as an opportunity.
"Use every failure or mistake as an opportunity to learn and plan for the future," emphasizes Bender Phelps. She recommends paying attention to what you were trying to accomplish, what you did to make that happen, what went right, and what went wrong. By taking time to consider what went into a failed initiative, you can learn what could have been done better--and in the future, if you're presented with a similar situation or project, you'll know what you should do differently.

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010





A fast-growing Heavy Equipment Company 



Its time to get your careers dream guys!

Qualification :
  • Female, Single.
  • Education minimal Diploma
  • Able Accountant Taxation
  • Able Brevet A – Brevet B
  • Able to AR and AP
  • Experience minimum 3 years same position
  • Strong detailed, accurate, and able to work in team
  • Computer literate Ms.Office / Excell
  • To be Located Jakarta

Please send application letter, CV, recent photograph, and expected salary email to :


Please update CV before apply

"Only short listed candidate will be proceed"

Many fileds out there about the job ( employment ) that you want it such us banking, insurance , etc

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Indonesia Vacancy - Bayan Resource Group is Emergency Needed You For Position Senior Mine Engineer !!


How big do you know about Bayan Resource Group? Advice from me, right now you have to multiply your knowledge about Bayan Resource Group. Because, that knowledge will be useful for you if called for interview. Bayan Resource Group is one of the biggest production coal mining company in Indonesia which in line with their expansion plans and commitment to grow. Bayan Resource Group is now seeking to recruit high caliber, creative, highly dedicated, and dynamic professional who will be based in our head office which is in Jakarta (Indonesia Vacancy). Bayan Resource Group offers position Senior Mine Engineer.

This is the requirement for the Job Indonesia:

  1. Male, maximum age 40 years old
  2. Bachelor Degree in Mine
  3. Minimum 5 years plus in large scale coal operation
  4. Have knowledge of mine design, mine planning and scheduling
  5. Able to operate Auto Cad and MINCOM (Minescape) would be adventage

That Requirement must be fullfill by you if you really want have a Career in Bayan Resource Group. Are you sure you're have all the requirements for the Job? So,what for you took so long? Apply this big opportunity right now. How? You may send detailed Resume / CV including present and expected salary, notice period and a recent photograph to: 

Vacancy Indonesia - Honda Trading Indonesia Urgently Needed You For Supervisor Accounting And Tax


Do you looking for a new job in a big company?? Yeah, it's the perfect Career for you to join with Honda Trading Indonesia. Patience dude, I will tell you the aquirement later. First, Honda Trading Indonesia is really a big company and really tight competition for you to join. With a big name of that company, you will make proud for yourself and your parents. The position offered for you is Supervisor Accounting and Tax. The Job Description are:

1. The candidate will work in a team accounting & tax
2.  Supervise accounting & taxation
3.  Responsible reporting & reconciliation in accounting & tax
4.  Working Time: Monday to Friday (and some times in Sat), 08:00 to 17:00 Wib
5.  Employment term: Under 1 year HTI contract
6.  Working commencement: ASAP
7.  the Career is in Jakarta (Indonesia Vacancy)

And the requirements are:
  • S1, Male, Accounting
  • Age between 28 - 35 years old
  • Minimum 2 years experience in tax & 1 year in acc supervisor
  • Active English preferable
  • Understand Indonesia Accounting Principle & Indonesia Taxation Regulation
  • Work in detail and well organized
  • Microsoft office literacy is  a must

You interested and feels suitable for that Job Indonesia, right? You may send detailed Resume / CV including present and expected salary, notice period and a recent photograph to:


Hi..Guys Have you a job?



A Growing Coal Mining and Plantation company which has site location in Central Kalimantan is seeking enthusiastic and hard working professionals. And this is your chance to improve your careers.

  • Female, Single, max 27 years old
  • D3/S1 graduates from any major
  • Energetic, independent, good looking, ideal weight
  • Well organized, Arrange meeting schedule with internal or external parties
  • Smart, good initiative & teamwork, good communication skill, and able to work under pressure and / or with tight deadline
  • Willing to work long hours, multitasking
  • Having great passion in Personal Assistant
  • Preferably good written & spoken in English
  • Good interpersonal skill & computer literature compulsory
  • Able to start work immediately

Job Desc :

Job Location : Jakarta
  • Prepare and manage correspondence, reports and documents
  • Organize and coordinate meetings, conferences, travel arrangements
  • Take, type and distribute minutes of meetings
  • Maintain schedules and calendars
  • Arrange and confirm appointments
  • Handle incoming mail and other material
  • Communicate verbally and in writing to answer inquiries and provide information
  • Liaison with internal and external contacts

Please send only your CV and CURRENT PHOTOGRAPH, only short candidate will be confirmed.  (Please indicate the position applied for on the subject field of your email) to:

Note:" Try to find more job in any fields such as banking, insurance, otomotiv , etc and get the best employment for you.